Mrs. Undercover Subtitle Download
In the gripping espionage thriller “Resurfaced Shadows,” an exceptional undercover agent, living in disguise as a seemingly ordinary middle-class housewife for over a decade, is abruptly called back to action. Her mission: to stop a relentless serial killer who has been targeting ambitious, successful women.
Although her skills have rusted over the years, her determination and instincts remain razor-sharp. As she delves into the investigation, she faces a challenging dilemma. On one hand, she must reawaken her dormant espionage talents, and on the other, she must navigate the complexities of her seemingly domestic life.
The agent’s journey is a riveting exploration of her struggle to reconcile her dual identity, revive her formidable skills, and outsmart a cunning and ruthless adversary. “Resurfaced Shadows” is a thrilling tale of resilience, transformation, and the indomitable spirit of an undercover agent determined to protect those she once pledged to serve.
Release Date | 14 April 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Running Time | 1h 47m |