Gadar 2 Movie Subtitle Download
In the riveting sequel “Gadar 2,” directed by Anil Sharma, the plot unfolds with Tara Singh disappearing during a conflict, sparking suspicions of his captivity in Pakistan. The narrative intensifies as Tara’s son, Jeete, takes center stage, determined to rescue his father from the perilous situation. Venturing into a complex and treacherous maze, Jeete faces the challenge of liberating both himself and his father. The storyline takes a tense turn as father and son navigate the high-stakes landscape, showcasing their audacious attempts to secure freedom at any cost. Against the backdrop of political turmoil, “Gadar 2” promises an adrenaline-fueled tale of courage, sacrifice, and the relentless pursuit of liberty in the face of daunting odds.
Release Date | 11 August 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Running Time | 2h 50m |