Appatha Subtitle Download
“Appatha,” directed by Priyadarshan, embarks on a lighthearted and endearing exploration of Kannamma’s life, who grapples with an unusual and intense fear of dogs. The narrative delves into her daily experiences, where her fear of canines takes center stage, leading to a series of both humorous and touching encounters.
Kannamma’s journey serves as a unique lens through which the film explores the themes of fear, personal growth, and the unexpected twists of life. The storyline offers a mix of relatable and comical situations, providing an engaging and entertaining narrative that resonates with audiences.
“Appatha” promises to be a heartwarming and relatable story, depicting the courage required to confront one’s fears and the unexpected opportunities for personal growth that arise in the process. It is a delightful and captivating portrayal of a woman’s journey to overcome a fear that adds a unique flavor to her life.
Release Date | July 29, 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Running Time | 1h 56m |