Bawaal (2023) Movie Subtitle Download

Bawaal Movie Subtitle Download

In the quaint ambiance of a small town, an ordinary man finds himself captivated by the allure of the town’s most beautiful woman. Entranced by her charm, he envisions a future where their union transcends the boundaries of their modest surroundings. His aspirations extend beyond mere affection; he perceives marriage to her as a gateway to elevated social standing, a ladder to climb in the hierarchical structure of their community.

Driven by a desire to transcend his current status, the man dreams of a life intertwined with hers, believing that her beauty can be the key to unlocking doors to a higher societal echelon. This poignant tale explores the intricate dance between love and societal expectations, as the protagonist yearns for a union that not only fulfills his heart but also elevates his place in the tightly woven fabric of their small-town society.

Release Date21 July 2023
File TypeSRT (Zip File)
Running Time2h 17m

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