Tufang (2023) English Subtitle Download


Director: Dheeraj Ratan Genre: Romance, Drama Synopsis:In “Tufang,” Veera, a spirited young woman, impulsively shoplifts a weapon from a prestigious gun dealer’s store. Unbeknownst to her, Arjan, the shop’s heir, is determined to track her down. As Arjan finds Veera, an unexpected romance blossoms between them. However, Veera challenges Arjan’s preconceived notions and forces him to confront … Read more

Carry on Jatta 3 (2023) English Subtitle Download


In “Carry on Jatta 3,” directed by Smeep Kang, the story revolves around Jass, the son of Advocate Dhillon, who finds himself in a dilemma when he falls in love with Meet. However, complications arise when Meet’s brothers clash with Advocate Dhillon, leading to him rejecting Meet’s proposal for marriage to Jass. Determined to win … Read more

Kali Jotta (2023) English Subtitle Download


“Kali Jotta,” directed by Vijay Kumar Arora, centers around a budding lawyer who discovers the injustice suffered by her school teacher, Rabia, in a male-dominated society. Fueled by a sense of justice, the protagonist decides to fight for Rabia, using her legal skills to confront and challenge the societal norms that perpetuate such inequalities. The … Read more

LehmberGinni (2023) English Subtitle Download


In the film “LehmberGinni,” directed by Ishan Chopra, the protagonist Lehmber finds himself caught in a web of lies in his everyday life, earning him a reputation as a habitual liar. Frustrated with his mischievous activities, Lehmber’s father decides to send him to London for a change of scenery. It is in London that Lehmber … Read more

Maurh Movie English Subtitles Download

Maurh Movie Download Subtitles Jeona Maurh and his brother Kishna Maurh bravely fight against the dual rule of British colonisers and native kings in Southern Punjab. Release Date 9 June 2023 Language English File Type SRT (Zip File) Running Time 2h 20m