Director: Adithyan Chadrashekar
In “Enkilum Chandrike,” directed by Adithyan Chadrashekar, the narrative unfolds as a group of friends discovers that one of them is getting married and didn’t share the news. As they attempt to understand the reason behind the secrecy, the soon-to-be groom begins preparations with full enthusiasm alongside his bride. The story takes an interesting turn as the group engages in a vibrant photoshoot, but the bride’s lack of enthusiasm becomes apparent. Chadrashekar’s direction promises a mix of humor, friendship dynamics, and the complexities of wedding preparations, creating a story that explores the surprises and challenges of impending nuptials. “Enkilum Chandrike” is set to deliver an entertaining and relatable tale as the characters navigate the quirks and emotions surrounding the upcoming marriage.
Release Date | 17 February 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 2h 6m |