“Kites,” directed by Anurag Basu, follows the story of Jay, a Las Vegas-based dance teacher who marries immigrant women to assist them in obtaining green cards. He enters into a marriage of convenience with Natasha for the same purpose. However, when they cross paths once more, Jay finds himself unexpectedly falling in love with her.
Under Anurag Basu’s direction, the film likely explores themes of love, fate, and redemption against the backdrop of cultural diversity and immigration issues. Basu may infuse the narrative with elements of romance, drama, and intrigue as Jay and Natasha navigate the complexities of their relationship, torn between duty and desire.
“Kites” promises to be a compelling and emotionally resonant tale that delves into the intricacies of human connections and the transformative power of love, even in the most unexpected circumstances.
Release Date | 21 May 2010 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Running Time | 2h 3m |