“Kohrra,” crafted by Gunjit Chopra, Sudip Sharma, and Diggi Sisodia, presents a riveting mystery where the discovery of a deceased bridegroom just days before his wedding sets the stage for a complex and intense investigation. Two dedicated police officers are tasked with untangling the enigmatic case, delving into the intricate layers of the mystery. As they strive to solve the perplexing crime, personal turmoil brews within their own lives, adding further tension and complexity to the investigation. “Kohrra” promises a gripping narrative that interweaves the compelling pursuit of justice with the officers’ own personal challenges, creating a tale of suspense, internal strife, and the race against time to uncover the truth before the case—and their lives—are irreparably marred.
Release Date | 15 July 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Episodes | 6 Episodes |