“Mumbai Mafia: Police vs Underworld,” directed by Raaghav Dar and Francis Longhurst, delves into the gritty underworld of 1990s Mumbai, where a crime boss and his network wield unchecked power over the city. However, their dominance is challenged by the emergence of “encounter cops,” who employ ruthless tactics to eliminate their targets.
Under the direction of Raaghav Dar and Francis Longhurst, the film is likely to explore themes of power, corruption, and law enforcement in a city rife with crime and violence. Dar and Longhurst may depict the intense cat-and-mouse game between the underworld and the police force, showcasing the brutal methods employed by both sides in their quest for control.
“Mumbai Mafia: Police vs Underworld” promises to be a gripping crime drama that offers a raw and unflinching portrayal of the battle for supremacy in the criminal underworld of Mumbai during the tumultuous 1990s.
Release Date | 6 January 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Running Time | 1h 27m |