Phulrani (2023) English Subtitle Download

“Phulrani,” directed by Vishwas Joshi, centers on Vikram Rajadhyaksha, who stakes a wager, asserting that his modeling academy can secure victory in the esteemed Pretty Princess beauty contest by grooming a participant from a humble, lower-class background. As fate would have it, a viral video of the challenge garners attention from one of the pageant sponsors, who extends Vikram an enticing offer: a share in the profits contingent upon his contestant’s success. Vikram embarks on a quest to train and prepare an unlikely candidate, Shevanta Tandel, a florist, to compete in the prestigious competition. The narrative chronicles the transformative journey of an underprivileged individual thrust into the world of high fashion and beauty pageants, exploring themes of determination, societal perceptions, and the pursuit of dreams.

Release Date22 March 2023
File TypeSRT (Zip File)
Running Time2h 22m

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