Takkar (2023) English Subtitle Download

“Takkar,” directed by Karthik G. Krish, explores the dynamic intersection of ambition, love, and personal values. The film follows a young and ambitious boy driven by a desire to accumulate wealth. However, his worldview is challenged when he encounters a girl who holds the belief that money is the root of all distress in life. As they navigate their differences and embark on a journey together, their lives undergo a profound transformation. Krish skillfully navigates the complexities of their relationship, delving into themes of materialism, happiness, and the pursuit of fulfillment. Through their shared experiences and mutual growth, the protagonists learn valuable lessons about love, priorities, and the true meaning of wealth. “Takkar” promises to be a compelling exploration of the human condition and the transformative power of relationships.

Release Date9 June 2023
File TypeSRT (Zip File)
Duration1h 18m

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