“Pippa,” directed by Raja Menon, follows the story of a young Indian Army captain from the 45 Cavalry regiment who commands an amphibious PT-76 war tank. Set against the backdrop of the Indo-Pakistani war of 1971, the film depicts the captain’s journey of coming of age as he, along with his two siblings, fights to liberate Bangladesh.
Under Raja Menon’s direction, “Pippa” is likely to capture the intense and harrowing experiences of war, highlighting the courage, sacrifices, and camaraderie of the soldiers involved. Menon may use a blend of action-packed sequences, emotional depth, and historical authenticity to bring the tumultuous events of the war to the forefront.
“Pippa” promises to be a gripping and poignant war drama that honors the heroism and resilience of the individuals who fought for freedom during one of the defining conflicts in South Asian history.
Release Date | 10 November 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Running Time | 2h 19m |